WWII Rangers and Descendants

- A separate organization

The Facebook site is not a part of the Descendants official organization, but we encourage you to join and participate. Jim Smith, a Descendant of a ranger, began this Facebook site after one of the Descendants’ reunions, and he sadly passed away in 2015. It is being managed by Ranger Descendant Ron Hudnell, himself a tabbed Ranger, who is active in both organizations. The two groups have over-lapping members but provide different functions.

The Descendants of World War II Rangers ( this web site ) was established by the WW II Rangers as the organization to succeed them, and if you are a Descendant of a World War II Ranger you should join us. Your WW II Ranger would have wanted that. Most of our WW II Rangers never knew about Facebook because it came about years after they were gone, but they would approve of the information sharing that takes place on this professionally managed, closed group Facebook site.