Rangers Lead the Way!
A more elite soldier who arrived by land or sea ...

Who Are We?

If you are a family member of a WW II Ranger, you are a "Descendant," and The Descendants of World War II Rangers, Inc. is the official group of family members appointed by our WW II Rangers to survive them. We include spouses of WW II Rangers and the Rangers' sons, daughters, nieces, nephews, and all of their lineal descendants for future generations. For example, if your father, grandfather, or uncle was a WWII Ranger, you are a legal Descendant. Even if your uncle or your great grandfather was a WWII Ranger, you are a legal Descendant. The connection is DNA related, but it also includes those persons who are legally adopted by a Descendant.

The Descendants of World War II Rangers is the consolidation of two organizations :  The “Ranger Battalions Association of World War II”, known as the RBA, and the “Sons & Daughters of World War II Rangers”, known as the S&D.  Our WWII Rangers met every two years since 1945 until they were few in number.  The S&D was organized in 2001 to assist the RBA and to carry on the legacy of our WW II Rangers.

With the passing of so many WW II Rangers, the surviving Rangers voted at their RBA meeting in 2011 to consolidate the two organizations.  The result of  consolidating the RBA and the S&D is The Descendants of World War II Rangers, Inc., a New Jersey 501(c)3 non-profit corporation.

Why Join?

If you are a family member of a WW II Ranger you already belong to an elite group of WW II Ranger family members who are committed to honor and remember. When you join us, you formalize your commitment to honor you Ranger who was a member of the most elite group of warriors in the world in World War II. Joining this organization to honor our family's Rangers is the least each of us can do to ensure that our WW II Rangers' sacrifices and accomplishments will never be forgotten. Our $50.00 dues is a small price to pay compared to the sacrifices made by our Rangers. Membership application links are found in several places on this site.

Do it now, please.

Mission of the Descendants

  1. To perpetuate the history of the men who served with the United States Army Rangers in World War II.
  2. To maintain and upkeep all memorials created in their honor.
  3. To arrange for reunions at the pleasure of the membership.
  4. To memorialize and perpetuate the memory of all WW II Rangers.
  5. To educate and inform those seeking information and history of the WW II Rangers.