Ranger WWII Timeline

Note: Ranger History appears in red.


Germany annexes Czechoslovakia. Italy annexes Albania. Italy and Germany agree an alliance.

  • August 23

    Germany and USSR sign non-aggression pact.

  • August 25

    Britain, France and Poland agree an alliance.

  • September 1

    Germany invades Poland.

  • September 3

    Britain and France declare war on Germany.
    World War II started on September 3, 1939, two days after Adolf Hitler had sent troops to invade Poland. Both Britain and France protested and when Hitler refused to withdraw, the two declared war on Germany. The war was fought between the Axis powers (Germany, Italy, and Japan) and the Allies (Britain and the countries of the Commonwealth, France, the United States and the Soviet Union).

  • September 17

    USSR invades Poland.

  • November 30

    Soviet Union invades Finland.

  • December

    Battle of the River Plate, South America, is first real battle of the war.


  • March 10

    USSR takes Finland at end of Soviet-Finnish war and Finland cedes territory. Germany submarines attack British merchant ships.

  • April 9

    Germany invades and occupies Norway, Denmark, Belgium, and the Netherlands.

  • May 2

    Allies withdraw from central Norway

  • May 10

    Germany invades Holland, Belgium and Luxemborg; Churchill becomes Prime Minister of Great Britain

  • May 12

    Germany invades France

  • May 14

    Dutch army surrenders to Germany

  • May 20

    German army reaches English Channel

  • May 26 - June 4

    Evacuation of British Expeditionary Force from Dunkirk

  • May 28

    Belgium surrenders to Germany

  • June 9

    Norway signs armistice with Germany

  • June 10

    Italy declares war on Britain and France

  • June 11

    Italy invades France

  • June 14

    Fall of Paris

  • June 15

    Soviet Union begins occupation of Lithuania. Latvia, and Estonia

  • June 22

    France signs armistice with Axis powers

  • July 2

    British Navy bombards French fleet at Mers-el-Kebir, Algeria

  • July 10

    Battle of Britain opens with first major dogfight over English Channel

  • July 25

    U.S. places embargo on strategic material to Japan

  • August 5

    Italy invades British Somalia

  • September 13

    Italy invades Egypt

  • September 15

    London heavily blitzed during climax of Battle of Britain

  • September 22

    Vichy France agrees to Japanese air bases and troops to Indonesia

  • September 27

    Japan joins Axis alliance

  • October 7

    German troops enter Rumania

  • October 28

    Italy invades Greece

  • November

    Italy tries to invade Greece. Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia join Axis powers.

  • November 5

    Roosevelt reelected

  • November 11

    British smash Italian fleet at Taranto

  • November 14

    German blitz of Coventry

  • November 20

    Hungary joins Axis Alliance; Romania follows two days later

  • December 9

    British troops begin to drive the Italians out of Egypt


  • January 19

    British invade Eritrea

  • February 7

    Italians decisively defeated at Beda Fomm in Libya. Allies capture 113,000 Italian soldiers in North Africa. German forces arrive to replace them.

  • February 8

    Germany and Bulgaria sign military pact

  • March 11

    U.S. Lend Lease Bill becomes law; U.S. starts supplying war materials to Britain and allies

  • March 16

    British launch counteroffensive against Italian forces in Somaliland, and enter Ethiopia

  • March 24

    Rommel commences first offensive in Libya

  • March 25

    Yugoslavia joins Axis alliance

  • March 26

    Yugoslav government overthrown by pro-Allied regime

  • March 28

    British inflict further losses on Italian fleet off Cape Matapan

  • April

    Yugoslavia and Greece fall to Germany

  • May

    German invasion of USSR beginsGerman invasion of USSR begins

  • December 7

    Japan attacks Pearl Harbor. Four battleships were destroyed and 3,300 people killed. The US declares war on Japan. Italy and Germany declare war on the US.
    US enters World War II, following Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor.

  • December

    Japan invades Malaya and Hong Kong.


  • February

    Singapore falls to the Japanese; 90,000 British and Commonwealth troops are taken prisoner.

  • March

    Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) fall to the Japanese.

  • May

    Japan had taken control of all of Southeast Asia including Burma, Singapore, the Philippines, and New Guinea, and threatened the north coast of Australia.

  • June 19

    1st Ranger Battalion activated at Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland

  • August

    US victory at the battle of Guadalcanal finally ends Japanese expansion. In the Soviet Union the battle of Stalingrad begins.

  • August 19

    Dieppe Raid, France, 50 Rangers participated in this, their first combat experience. August 19, 1942. Rangers Lt. Joseph H. Randall and 2nd Lt Edward V. Loustalot KIA at Dieppe, first US soldiers killed in the European Theater of WW II.

  • September 3

    Entire 1st Ranger Battalion was moved to Dundee on the east coast of Scotland. Met Father Basil there, who was with the British Commandos. Rangers later moved on to Glasglow.

  • October

    In North Africa, Allies defeat Axis forces at the battle of El Alamein, Egypt. Darby requests Father Basil go into Africa with the Rangers, permission granted by UK.

  • November 8

    Operation Torch. 1st Ranger Battalion executes first operation as an independent unit in the US Army when they secure the town of Arzew and open the way for troops waiting offshore. The battalion was divided to accomplish the taking of the port of Arzew and the securing of gun batteries outside of town. Rangers scaled the rocky cliffs to secure the batteries while others entered the port in LCA landing crafts. This action initiated the securing of ports and land masses in North Africa from which the Allies would later launch attacks on Sicily, Italy, France, and Germany.

  • December

    Rangers held and remained down the beach of the Mediteranean from Arzew. Here they trained and anticipated their next mission.


  • January 1943

    1st Rangers prepared for a night landing on an island off Sicily. Due to storms, the mission was aborted as the amphibious transports would have been unable to land on the beaches of the island.

  • February

    1st Rangers raid Sened Station and initiate the Tunisian Campaign. By February 19, they had reached Kasserine Pass.

    Ranger lost this day: Elmer W. Garrison 1 Bn, 12 Feb 43

  • March

    1st Rangers in North Africa, Gafsa and El Guettar

  • April

    1 Apr 43, 2nd Ranger Battalion activated

    Ranger lost on this day - Jennings B. Coomer 1 Bn, 12 Apr 43

  • May

    Axis troops in North Africa surrender.1st Rangers have proven themselves in the successes in North Africa in Arzew, Sened, and Djebel el Ank, with major actions at St. Cloud, Kasserine, and El Guettar. Their successes precipitated the activation of the 3rd Ranger Battalion, 25 May 1943.

  • June

    And also the activation of the 4th Ranger Battalion, 8 June 1943. Rangers of the newly formed 3rd and 4th Ranger Battalions in training under the 1st Bn at Nemours, North Africa.

    Ranger lost on this day - James J. Reid 1Bn, 29 Jun 43

  • July

    Allied troops invade Sicily. Mussolini’s government is overthrown and Italy declares war on Germany.

    Rangers from the 1st, 3rd and 4th Battalions invade Sicily. Around midnight they began loading into assault boats which circled the mother ships until the time to form up. Sometime around 2:30-3:00 am, the boats formed into assault waves and headed into the beach. Not all of them made it.
    The 1st and 4th Bns attacked at Gela and fought for their lives for two days against odds which would have overwhelmed an ordinary infantry unit. Ranger casualties were heavy, but the mission was accomplished.
    The 3rd Bn attacked at Licata, where they encountered heavy fighting before the battle in Sicily was finally over. This was the first combat for the 3rd and 4th Bns, though much of their cadre were battle hardened veterans from the Original 1st Bn.

    Rangers lost on this day -
    Bennett, Edward 4Bn, 10 Jul 43
    Brady, Sherald P. 4Bn, 10 Jul 43
    Johnson, Jack W. 1Bn, 10 Jul 43
    Mabe, William R. Jr. 1Bn, 10 Jul 43
    Marty, Joeph M. 4Bn, 10 Jul 43
    Mathias, Donald W. 1Bn, 10 Jul 43
    McCarthy, John P. 4Bn, 10 Jul 43
    Swavely, William E.1Bn, 10 Jul 43
    Webster, James S. 1Bn, 10 Jul 43
    Whyman, Frederick C. 1Bn, 10 Jul 43

    21 July 43, 5th Ranger Battalion activated

  • August 13

    Ranger lost on this day - Burgess, Kenneth D. 4Bn, 13 Aug 43

  • September

    Rangers lost on this day -
    Lumnah, Oscar P. 4Bn, 12 Sep 43
    Polich, Joseph 4Bn, 12 Sep 43
    Bryant, Robert L. 4Bn, 15 Sep 43
    Surratt, Robert C. 1Bn, 15 Sep 43
    Greene, Leonard L. 4Bn, 16 Sep 43
    Grimes, Edward J. 3Bn, 16 Sep 43
    Sullivan, Thomas S. 3Bn, 16 Sep 43
    Johnson, John J. 1Bn, 18 Sep 43
    Rowley, Chester L. 1Bn, 18 Sep 43
    Bledsoe, Robert A. 4Bn, 21 Sep 43
    Morgan, Robert F. 3Bn, 25 Sep 43
    Twilley, Jack 4Bn, 26 Sep 43
    Carl R. Bunde 1Bn, 30 Sep 43

  • October

    Ranger lost on this day - Knox, John K. 3Bn, 23 Oct 43

  • November

    Rangers lost on this day -
    Allum, Albert M. 4Bn, 4 Nov 43
    Henselman, Chester H. 4Bn, 4 Nov 43
    Strange, Len A. 4Bn, 4 Nov 43
    Wallis, Vernon W. 4Bn, 4 Nov 43
    Bob L. Lowell 1Bn, 10 Nov 43
    Ford, Richard M. 3Bn, 11 Nov 43
    Card, Earl E. 4Bn, 12 Nov 43
    Kidder, Wallace E. 1Bn, 12 Nov 43
    Richard, Jude J. 4Bn, 12 Nov 43
    Trowbridge, Warfield E. 4Bn, 13 Nov 43
    Hofmeister, William 4Bn, 16 Nov 43
    Junior F. Miller 4 Bn, 18 Nov 43
    Bednarski, Isadore 1Bn, 21 Nov 43
    Tryon, William S. 1Bn, 22 Nov 43
    Willette, Mathew R. 1Bn, 22 Nov 43
    Canfield, William H.4Bn, 25 Nov 43
    McMahon, John J. Jr.1Bn, 25 Nov 43
    Clarke, William E. 1Bn, 27 Nov 43
    Davies. Robert C. 3Bn, 30 Nov 43
    Deckrow, Orville 3Bn, 30 Nov 43
    Donohue, Raymond P.1Bn, 30 Nov 43
    Foreshaw, Dwight 3Bn, 30 Nov 43
    Lemay, Normand R. 3Bn, 30 Nov 43
    Lonnes, Edward W. 1Bn, 30 Nov 43
    Williams, Ernest M. 3Bn, 30 Nov 43

  • December

    Rangers lost on this day -
    Brandon, James T. 3Bn, 6 Dec 43
    Johnson, Russell W. 3Bn, 9 Dec 43
    Parish, Earl D. 3Bn, 9 Dec 43
    McTeigue, Patrick G. 3Bn, 11 Dec 43
    Bohannon, Roy 3Bn, 12 Dec 43
    Brock, Vernon L. 1Bn, 12 Dec 43


  • January

    Rangers lost on this day -
    Albert H. Phillips 3Bn, 26 Jan 44
    Hood, Carl R. 4Bn, 22Jan 44
    Bates, Thomas B. 4Bn, 22 Jan 44
    Bordash, Andrew A. 4Bn, 24 Jan 44
    Witmer, Eutene J.4Bn, 24 Jan 44
    Allen, Troy 1Bn, 26 Jan 44
    Sausen, William L. 3Bn, 28 Jan 44
    Bell, Thomas F. 4Bn, 30 Jan 44
    Brown, William S. 4Bn, 30 Jan 44
    Burke, John J. 3Bn, 30 Jan 44
    Colbert, Paul E. 1Bn, 30 Jan 44
    Kunkle, Ronald L. 3Bn, 30 Jan 44
    Lafler, Julius F. 1Bn, 30 Jan 44
    Lingenfelter, Irvin R. 3Bn, 30 Jan 44
    Long, George W. 4Bn, 30 Jan 44
    Murphy, Robert F. 3Bn, 30 Jan 44
    Nunnaly, George O. 4Bn, 30 Jan 44
    Santarelli, George A. 1Bn, 30 Jan 44
    Skarberg, Charles F. 1Bn, 30 Jan 44
    Taylor, William E. 4Bn, 30 Jan 44
    Zielinski, Herman A. 4Bn, 30 Jan 44
    Lamandre, Dominick 4Bn, 31 Jan 44
    Cummins, Clifford P. 3Bn, 30 Jan 44
    De Franco, Philip 3Bn, 30 Jan 44
    Dusseau, Robert A. 1Bn, 30 Jan 44
    Engle, Walter L. 3Bn, 30 Jan 44
    Gangnath, Phillip H. 3Bn, 30 Jan 44
    Hendrickson, Robert S. 3Bn, 30 Jan 44

  • February

    Rangers lost on this day -
    Fusiara, John F. 1Bn, 01 Feb 44
    Puskar, Edward 4Bn, 21 Feb 44
    LoPresto, Vitor R. 4Bn, 25 Feb 44

  • March

    Rangers lost on this day -
    Wayrynen, Wayne M. 4Bn, 03 Mar 44
    Dahlke, John J. 4Bn, 07 Mar 44
    McNeale, Kenneth A. 4Bn, 11 Mar 44
    Eger, William 1Bn, 27 Mar 44

  • 6 June

    Allied forces land in Normandy, France, to start invasion of Europe. This invasion was know as Operation Overlord.

    Rangers lost on this day -
    Elmo Banning 5 Bn, 06 Jun 44
    Volney E. Beekler 2 Bn, 06 Jun 44
    John Biddle 2 Bn, 06 Jun 44
    Howard Bowens 2 Bn, 06 Jun 44
    Ranger Robert M. Brice 2 Bn, 06 Jun 44
    Harold Clendenin 2 Bn, 06 Jun 44
    John Clifton 2 Bn, 06 Jun 44
    Raymond Cole 2 Bn, 06 Jun 44
    Ranger Robert L. Dailey 2 Bn, 06 Jun 44
    John Dolinsky 2 Bn, 06 Jun 44
    James Donahue 2 Bn, 06 Jun 44
    William J. Fox 5 Bn, 06 Jun 44
    Dominick Gallo 2 Bn, 06 Jun 44
    Howard Gardner 5 Bn, 06 Jun 44
    Henry S. Golas 2 Bn, 06 Jun 44
    David Goudey 2 Bn, 06 Jun 44
    John Gourley 2 Bn, 06 Jun 44
    John Henwood 2 Bn, 06 Jun 44
    James A Kane 2 Bn, 06 Jun 44
    Leslie Irvin 2 Bn, 06 Jun 44
    Charles E. Ketterling 2 Bn, 06 Jun 44
    James Machan 2 Bn, 06 Jun 44
    William McWhirter 2 Bn, 06 Jun 44
    William Myers 2 Bn, 06 Jun 44
    Fred Plumee 2 Bn, 06 Jun 44
    Joseph Rafferty 2 Bn, 06 Jun 44
    Robert Raymond 2 Bn, 06 Jun 44
    William F. Reilly 5 Bn, 06 Jun 44
    Rolland Revels 2 Bn, 06 Jun 44
    Charles Rich 2 Bn, 06 Jun 44
    Frederick D. Smith 2 Bn, 06 Jun 44
    Edward L. Sowa 2 Bn, 06 Jun 44
    Robert Stein 5 Bn, 06 Jun 44
    Stephen Szerecz 5 Bn, 06 Jun 44
    Chester Tarlano 5 Bn, 06 Jun 44
    Joseph Trainor 2 Bn, 06 Jun 44
    Michael Vetovich 2 Bn, 06 Jun 44
    Nickolas Wassil 5 Bn, 06 Jun 44
    Raymond Wilhelm 5Bn, 06 Jun 44
    Ranger E.G. Colvard Jr. 2Bn, 07 June 44
    Lawrence M. Johnson 2 Bn, 07 Jun 44
    Matthew Morse 5 Bn, 07 Jun 44
    Robert Steinen 5 Bn, 08 Jun 44

  • July

    An unsuccessful attempt to kill Hitler is made.

    Ranger lost on this day - Robert Page 2 Bn, 02 Jul 44

  • August

    15 Aug 44, 1st Ranger Battalion inactivated.
    15 Aug 44, 3rd Ranger Battalion inactivated.

    Rangers lost on this day -
    Alfred Haluska 2 Bn, 01 Aug 44
    Constantine Anagnos 2 Bn, 21 Aug 44
    Seymour Goldman 2 Bn, 21 Aug 44
    Robert Meltzer 2 Bn, 21 Aug 44
    Edward MacKinnon 2 Bn, 26 Aug 44
    Joseph Flanagan 2 Bn, 31 Aug 44
    Joseph Trout 2 Bn, 31 Aug 44

  • September

    26 Sept 44, 6th Ranger Battalion activated.

    Rangers lost on this day -
    Lewis Henderson 5 Bn, 01 Sep 44
    James Carawan 5 Bn, 02 Sep 44
    Ezra Kauffman 5 Bn, 02 Sep 44
    Harvie Powell 5 Bn, 02 Sep 44
    David Usyk 5 Bn, 02 Sep 44
    Raymond Hubert 2 Bn, 02 Sep 44
    Edison Crull 2 Bn, 03 Sep 44
    Walter Lukovsky 2 Bn, 03 Sep 44
    Lawrence Madore Bn, 04 Sep 44
    Harold Snook 5 Bn, 04 Sep 44
    Albin Zima 5 Bn, 04 Sep 44
    Robert McCullagh 2 Bn, 06 Sep 44
    Clark Baker 5 Bn, 07 Sep 44
    Joe Messuri 5 Bn, 07 Sep 44
    Nelson Robin 2 Bn, 07 Sep 44
    Richard Gilmore 5 Bn, 09 Sep 44
    Rex Loe 5 Bn, 11 Sep 44
    John Manifold 5 Bn, 14 Sep 44

  • October

    Allies invade Philippines.
    4th Ranger Battalion inactivated

    Ranger lost on this day - Zufall, Darwin C. 6/D, 17 Oct 44

  • November

    Rangers lost on this day -
    Leroy Rogers 2D, 15 Nov 44
    Robert Fewell 2D, 17 Nov 44
    Julius Remmers Jr. 2A, 24 Nov 44
    Keith Bragg 2B, 27 Nov 44

  • December

    Start of battle of the Bulge, last German offensive.

    Rangers lost on this day -
    Hoesli Labhart 5 Bn, 02 Dec 44
    Edward Neuman 5 Bn, 02 Dec 44
    Frank Lewis 2D, 02 Dec 44
    Thomas Filmer 5 Bn, 03 Dec 44
    Willie Moody 5 Bn, 03 Dec 44
    Paul Pelkey 5 Bn, 03 Dec 44
    Leo Samborowski 5 Bn, 03 Dec 44
    Gerard Seidel 5 Bn, 03 Dec 44
    Nick Sychak 5 Bn, 03 Dec 44
    Leroy G. Adams 2 Bn, 07 Dec 44
    Halvor Black 2Hq, 07 Dec 44
    Leo Ouellette 2Hq, 07 Dec 44
    Lawrence Holloway 2C, 08 Dec 44
    Daniel Paskill 5 Bn, 09 Dec 44
    Raymond Ferguson 2A, 21 Dec 44


  • January

    6th Bn conducts Raid on Cabanatuan Japanese POW camp and with the help of Alamo Scouts and Filipino Guerillas successfully executed the greatest rescue mission in American history. This event was later made into the movie, The Great Raid. The following Rangers gave their lives in this mission that saved the lives of 500 survivors of the Bataan Death March held captive at Cabanatuan.

    Rangers lost on this day -
    Bailey, Leon 6/A, 10 Jan 45
    Sweezy, Roy F. 6/C, 30 Jan 45
    Fischer, James C. 6/Hq/B, 31 Jan 45

  • February

    At the Yalta Conference, Allies agree to divide Germany into four zones after the war.

    Rangers lost on this day -
    Hubert Racette 5 Bn, 19 Feb 45
    Lawrence Briscoe 5 Bn, 19 Feb 45
    John Gibbons 5 Bn, 19 Feb 45
    Stanley Kijanka 5 Bn, 19 Feb 45
    J. Lloyd Posey 5 Bn, 19 Feb 45
    John Tomaso 5 Bn, 19 Feb 45
    Edward Mapes 5 Bn, 23 Feb 45
    Francis Dufour 5 Bn, 23 Feb 45
    Earl Moynihan 5 Bn, 23 Feb 45
    John R. Gilbert 5 Bn, 24 Feb 45
    Jesse M. Niblack 3Bn, 25 Feb 45
    Elwood Knight 5 Bn, 25 Feb 45
    Jesse M. Niblack, 25 Feb 45
    William Davis 5 Bn, 26 Feb 45
    Charles Waterman 1B, 27 Feb 45
    Ted Walters 5 Bn, 27 Feb 45
    Alban Switay 5 Bn, 28 Feb 45
    Carl Ward 5 Bn, 28 Feb 45
    Charles Willerton Jr. 5 Bn, 28 Feb 45
    Henry Dobeck 5 Bn, 28 Feb 45
    Russel Gaughey 5 Bn, 28 Feb 45
    Adolph Ravitz 5 Bn, 28 Feb 45
    Wallace Wheeler 5 Bn, 28 Feb 45

  • March

    US captures Iwo Jima.

    Rangers lost on this day -
    Richard Johnson 5 Bn, 01 Mar 45
    Ernest Stoneburg 5 Bn, 01 Mar 45
    Joseph Vickers 5 Bn, 01 Mar 45
    Arthur Pitts 5 Bn, 01 Mar 45
    Peter Bubanovich 2C, 02 Mar 45
    Irvin Germain 5 Bn, 03 Mar 45
    Joseph Miela 5 Bn, 04 Mar 45

  • April

    Adolf Hitler takes his life

    Rangers lost on this day -
    Leroy A. Kraft 1Bn, 13 Apr 45
    John W. Rose 3Bn, 13 Apr 45

  • May

    Soviet troops enter Berlin. Germany surrenders.

    Ranger lost on this day -
    Virgil H. Wood 1Bn, 18 May 45

  • June

    US forces capture Okinawa.

    Ranger lost on this day -
    Bernard Rogers 5 Bn, 06 Jun 45

  • July

    Division of Germany agreed at Potsdam Conference.

  • August

    Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Japan surrenders. World War II ends with Japanese surrender.

  • October

    United Nations formed.
    22 Oct 45, 5th Ranger Battalion inactivated
    23 Oct 45, 2nd Ranger Battalion inactivated

  • December

    30 Dec 45, 6th Ranger Battalion inactivated

Rangers Descendants

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