General Information

The Descendants of World War II Rangers, Inc. is a non-profit Foundation set up under IRS rules as a 501(C)3 Corporation.  We collect annual dues of $ 50.00  from each member and use the proceeds for our Newsletters, which are mailed to our WW II Rangers, their spouses and our Members.  We also donate Memorials to honor our deceased Rangers when a donor site is specified, and we support the National Ranger Foundation Scholarship program.   We also file annual Federal Tax Returns prepared by a CPA.

Donations are welcome to help offset our expenses.   Currently, we are seeking donations to support the World War II Ranger Library, our long-term project to honor our Rangers for future generations.   The Library will be a collection of digital information, including official military records, as well as the Rangers’ personal memorabilia. When complete, the Library will be organized into a searchable data base.   The Library will include the Rangers’ Morning Reports and Rosters which have been donated by Julie Foley Belanger in honor of her uncle, WW II Ranger Staff Sergeant John J. Foley.   The reports were made daily for each Ranger Company for the duration of WW II, and they can answer many questions pertaining to where Rangers were and what they did, including casualty data.  Until the Library is complete, these Morning Reports and Rosters will be available on this site for Members Only.  It’s a good reason to join.

Ranger family members are called Descendants or Descendant Members. Descendants can serve on Committees, on the Board of Directors and have Voting Rights. Descendant Members also have access to the "Members Only" section of this website.

Non-Descendant Members, called General Members, are people interested in supporting and honoring WW II Rangers, but they are not Ranger family. They are not blood-kin to WW II Rangers, and they do not have access to the "Members Only" section of this website.

As for Reunions, we have a  National Reunion every two years. The Reunion includes elections of officers and a business meeting for Descendant Members Only, at which time we report on progress and events during the prior two years. In some off-years, we also hold reunions if there is a special occasion to celebrate.

The Descendants is closely connected to the U. S. Army’s 75 th  Ranger Regiment, headquartered at Fort Benning, Georgia.  Active Duty Army Rangers are almost always available to support our Reunions when we meet at or near Fort Benning.

Any Member of the Descendants is eligible to serve on a Committee of the Descendants.  Names of those wishing to serve on committees are submitted to the Board of Directors for approval.   Anyone with a particular interest in World War II Ranger history is encouraged to volunteer their time.

We also need volunteers to help with such things as updating the Website.   Anyone wishing to assist with the Website should contact us.

If you are member of the WW II Ranger Family, you need to belong to the Descendants to honor the sacrifices and accomplishments of your Ranger.  Members include Rangers and their spouses, along with Sons, Daughters, Nieces, Nephews, Grandchildren and all the lineal descendants of these.   You may also join as a non-member if you have some particular interest in the WW II Rangers.   Fill out the Membership Form and submit your information to the Board.

With over 6,000 Rangers in World War II, we know there are at least 20,000 family members who are eligible for membership in the Descendants.   Let us count you in that number.  Join us NOW!