Ranger Theodore “Ted” Sanford Fleser

Army Serial Number:
Ranger Battalion/Company:

First Special Service Force (FSSF)

Theodore (Ted) Sanford. Fleser

Date and Place of Birth:
March 3, 1922 - New York City, New York, USA

When Did You Join The Service? Where? What Unit or Base?
25 Feb. ’42, Army Building 39 White Hall, NYC, NY – Assigned to Signal Corp, Left for U.K. Sept. ’42. Then to North African invasion in Oran, Algeria. Joined WW II Army Rangers May ’43 “D” Company 1st Battalion – Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR) Gunner. Invaded Sicily at Gela and Italy at Miori. Wounded at Venafro Italy (mortar bomb fragment to jaw), Artena Italy (concussion – loss of consciousness for several days) and Menton France (shell fragment wound to rt. hip pocket area and left eye [eye itself was saved by the glasses deflecting the fragment])

When Did You Join The Force (FSSF)? Where?
When the Ranger Cannon Company was absorbed – Anzio Beach Head.

What Part of the Force?
Ranger Cannon Company became the FSSF Cannon Company.

Rank? Or Weapon?
Track Commander – Diamond

What Did You Do After The Force Broke Up?
Cannon Company became part of the 474th Infantry Regiment (Separate) on the Cherbourg Peninsula France to counter the Germans operating from the Channel Islands. Was severely burned and sent to Bournemouth England for hospitalization. Was near Paris, returning to unit on V.E. Day. Returned home after three years overseas.

Discharged When?
6 Aug ’45, Ft. Dix, New Jersey

Attended RCA Institute – radio Engineer. Relocated to California 1953. Employed at North American Aviation’s Aerophysics Field Lab which became Rocketdyne’s Santa Susana Field Lab. Participated in development of Redstone, Atlas, Delta, Lance and other missile systems.

Married Miriam on Halloween 1948. We have three girls, Robin and Holly are nurses, and April teaches Special Education. They have provided seven grandchildren.

Miriam and I provide child care between Ranger, Force, and Special Forces Association Activities.

Force Memory?
In Menton France, Diamond Track would rapid fire ten rounds at a pre-selected target then immediately go around a bend as German incoming shells were on the way. A battery of ninety millimeter (90 mm) guns would counter fire. Fun and Games.

Honored by daughter ho*********@ya***.com" target="_blank" style="color:#ff0000">Holly Seery
November 2006

Darby Ranger Ted Fleser Videos

Videos submitted by Holly Fleser Seery, daughter of Ted Fleser (1D), FSSF-Cannon Co.

Ted Fleser Interview "Battlefront"

RBA Western Chapter Feb 2, 2002 "To Miriam and Ted From Bryan Hawkins
First speaker-Jim Aliteri, Ted Fleser receives award for Julia Stahl. Included are shots of Bob Reed, Jim McVay and his wife, Ted Fleser and his wife, Miriam, Randall Harris and others.