Ranger Jordan Smitch
Born: 27 November 1920, Clifton Arizonia
Died: 15 January 1992, Kearny Arizonia
Army Serial Number:
Ranger Battalion/Company: 5F
Rank: PFC
My brother is listed as Pfc. Smitch Jordan D.of company F in his 5th Ranger book. This book was given to him by the officers and men of F company after he was wounded.
He was part of the landing force on D-Day. He was later wounded somewhere in September or October of 1944. I think. I'm not sure where in France that it was.
I would appreciate any information that you could give me. He passed away of a heart attack Jan.15, 1992. In Kearny Az.
I have included a letter he sent shortly after training.
Sincerely Jay R. Smitch.
ja*******@ho*****.com or js*****@q..com