Ranger James (Jimmy) Olin Reeve
Army Serial Number:
Ranger Battalion/Company:
James (Jimmy) Olin Reeve, Private 1st Ranger Battalion Headquarters Company, joined in North Arica, fought in Sicily, Salerno, and Venafro; 6615 Provisional Ranger Force Headquarters at Anzio, Killed in Action (by artillery shell fragment) February 15, 1944 at Borgo Bainsizza southeast of Anzio. This photograph was reportedly taken in Naples Italy in November or December 1943.
Although he is identified on the Ranger Memorial, his grave marker at the cemetery in Italy offers no indication of his service in the Rangers, rather siting "5th Army Headquarters." He entered the service from Kansas. Very little is known by family members about his time in the service.
If you have any information regarding Jimmy (either his life or death) please contact us at ge******@ev*******.net
Gary Bachman, Overland Park, Kansas
Side note: Col. Darby was also lightly wounded by shell fire on the date Jimmy was killed. The Ranger Force in Italy was disbanded several days later. James (Jimmy) Olin Reeve, Private 1st Ranger Battalion Headquarters Company, joined in North Arica, fought in Sicily, Salerno, and Venafro; 6615 Provisional Ranger Force Headquarters at Anzio, Killed in Action (by artillery shell fragment) February 15, 1944 at Borgo Bainsizza southeast of Anzio. This photograph was reportedly taken in Naples Italy in November or December 1943.
Submitted March 2006
by the nephew of Ranger James Reeve
Gary Bachman